Siwicki Fitness

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meet rachael

I was so delighted to have a Siwicki Fitness meetup this past weekend! I find it so interesting how we are all so different yet so much alike. I want you to know that no matter what phase of life you are in, you are welcome here. I want you to feel encouraged and inspired by one another. This week I am featuring Rachael D., who is a mother of SIX (yes, I said SIX). She is a total boss and CRUSHES every workout. I am absolutely blown away by her tenacity and effort shown in every single class. Get to know more about Rachel below!

  • Name: Rachael D.

  • Age: 44

  • College Attended:

    • Vanderbilt University

  • Degree Earned:

    • Human & Organizational Development

  • Occupation:

    • Owner of Turnkey Home Staging

  • Children:

    • Emma (16)

    • Andrew (16)

    • Charlie (14)

    • Jenna (11)

    • Ella Rose (11)

    • Abigail (9)

  • How many days of the week do you workout:

    • 3-4 Siwicki Fitness classes per week, I try to fit in a couple of walks or runs with friends or my husband as my crazy schedule permits.

  • Favorite Siwicki Fitness Class:

    • Tabata is my favorite class and starts my week off with a heart pumping total body workout. However, I love all o the live classes and try to take a mix of them so I never get bored and my body is challenged in new ways ways each week.

  • Motivating factor for working out:

    • Working out makes me better at everything else i need to do in a day. I am happier, I sleep[ better., I perform better at my job, i hav more energy, and i am more patient with my family. Additionally, i see Siwicki Fitness members in class who are 20 years older than me who are strong and agile and look amazing. I want to keep getting stronger and modeling health and fitness for my kids for decades to come!

  • Hobbies:

    • Driving my kids to their practices and swim meets, soccer matches, field hockey games, track meets or cross country races and cheering for them from the sidelines as they compete. I love seeing them challenge themselves and develop their own love of fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

We love you Rachael and are so happy to have you in our Siwicki Fitness Family!