Supplement Guide
This information was obtained by Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CNS, is a doctor of chiropractic, certified doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist.
The definition of a supplement is “something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.” Surveys show that more than half of all Americans take some form of vitamin supplement almost daily, but what are the best supplements to take for health?
Supplements remain a controversial topic — some health experts tell us that they’re mostly unnecessary because we can get the essential nutrients we need from our diets alone, while others tell us that conventionally grown foods today don’t contain enough nutrients due to issues like poor soil quality. So who should we believe? And if we’re going to take supplements, what are the best supplements for overall health?
The best supplements for you will depend on factors like your gender, age, medical history, genetics, level of physical activity and diet. For example, adult men and women may benefit from taking different supplements, vegetarians/vegans can use more of certain nutrients like vitamin B12, and people living in cooler climates may need more vitamin D.
We also have to remember that even the best supplements can’t take the place of eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods. While supplements like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protein powders can help to support specific functions, the real goal of using supplements should be to enhance an already-balanced diet.
Top Best 6 Vitamins for Health
Vitamins C, E and A for Skin Health
As we get older, our skin becomes more susceptible to damage caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, too much sun exposure, a poor diet, overactive immune system and other factors. Which vitamins really work when it comes to improving skin health? Obtaining plenty vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A/beta-carotene and zinc can all help to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.
For example, the antioxidant vitamin C does more than just fight illnesses — it also helps protect your skin by fighting free radicals and helping you absorb more trace minerals and nutrients in general. Consuming plenty vitamin E and vitamin A together has been shown to improve healing. Collagen is another supplement that can benefit your skin by helping repair wounds and keeping skin elastic, strong and moisturized.
natural sources:
Vitamin C: Citrus fruit, potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts
Vitamin A: beef, liver, eggs, shrimp, fish, fortified milk, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, mangoes
Vitamin E: leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts
B Vitamins for Energy and Help Handling Stress
B vitamins, including vitamin B12 and folate, are important for your metabolism, supporting cellular processes, growth and energy expenditure, preventing fatigue, and boosting cognitive functions.
Plant-based eaters who avoid meat (vegetarians/vegans) are more likely to be low in B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, which is only found in animal foods, therefore supplementing is recommended. Even if you consume the daily B vitamins you need (from eating things like beef, poultry and eggs), you might still have trouble with proper absorption (such as of vitamin B12) due to medication use or health conditions that impair gut health.
Vitamin D and Calcium for Bone Health and More
It remains a controversial whether two of the best supplements for keeping bones strong and reducing your risk for bone loss and fractures are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium, when consumed when other key nutrients like vitamin D and magnesium, has been shown to offer protection against some of the biggest threats to adult men and women: heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer, for example. Experts believe that most adults in the U.S. don’t get enough calcium on a daily basis, but calcium is not absorbed properly when someone has low levels of vitamin D and magnesium. Supplementing with calcium has pros and cons, so speak with your doctor about your risk factors, and first try to get enough from foods if you can.
Not only is vitamin D3 important for bone/skeletal health, but it’s also needed for brain functions, preventing mood disorders, immune support and hormonal balance. We get the majority of our vitamin D from exposing our skin to sunlight. Since more people spend a large majority of their time indoors these days or wear sunscreen diligently when outdoors, both men and women are at high risks for vitamin D deficiencies. Estimates range, but some research shows that about 75 percent of adults in the U.S. might be deficient!
How much vitamin D should you take daily? The best way to get enough vitamin D is to spend 15–20 minutes outside most days of the week without sunscreen on. If this isn’t possible for you, it’s recommended you take 400–800 IU/day, or 10–20 micrograms. Studies research suggests that higher daily intakes of 1000–4000 IU (25–100 micrograms) may be even more beneficial for some deficient adults, so it’s best to talk to your doctor.
Natural Sources:
Calcium: yogurt, cheese, milk, salmon, leafy green vegetables
Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Fighting Inflammation
What is the best supplement to take if you want to keep your immune system strong, joints in good condition, brain working sharply and heart healthy? Omega-3 fatty acids/fish oil supplements may be able to help fight inflammation, which is associated with common conditions, such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Eating wild-caught fish several times per week or taking a supplement equal to about 1,000 milligrams daily is the best way to beat inflammation and get enough omega-3s.
Other vitamins may be able to effectively manage blood sugar levels and hormonal responses, which can contribute to inflammation when they become abnormal. Vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C all work together to keep cells and tissue strong and protect against inflammation. Zinc is one of the most important nutrients for helping with nutrient absorption (it’s involved in over 100 metabolic processes) and allowing for proper waste elimination, which fights inflammation and cellular damage.
natural sources: salmon, brussel sprouts and chia seeds.
Antioxidants for Eye Health
Eye vitamins and antioxidants can help protect the eye’s macula, lens and cornea while also lowering free radical damage and inflammation, which destroy tissue in the eyes. A number of antioxidants, including vitamin A, vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin, can help to protect your vision and eyes as you age.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are cartotenoids that are found in the macular region of the retina of the eyes, and studies suggest they can help reduce the risk of light-induced oxidative damage that can lead to macular degeneration (AMD). Zinc and copper in combination with other vitamins can also help protect the retina and lower risk for macular degeneration and vision loss. Vitamin A and vitamin C help fight free radical damage in the eyes caused over time by things like a poor diet, blue light emissions from computer screens and sun/UV light exposure.
natural sources: carrots
Probiotics for Gut/Digestive Support
Probiotics are bacteria that line your digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. Certain strains of probiotics enhance immune function, whereas others promote health or hormone balance. (Your “good gut bugs” help produce vitamin B12, butyrate and vitamin K; crowd out bad microbes; create enzymes that destroy harmful bacteria; and stimulate secretion of IgA and regulatory T-cells, which support immune function.
When buying probiotic supplements, look out for the genus, species and strain. The label should also indicate the type of CFUs (colony forming units) that are present at the time of manufacturing. It’s best to take a probiotic that has at least 50 billion CFUs and has strain diversity, including multiple bacterial strains, such as Bacillus clausii, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
If you suspect you might have leaky gut syndrome (aka intestinal permeability) — perhaps because you have symptoms of food sensitivities, inflammatory bowel disease or skin issues like eczema — then other leaky gut supplements are also worth trying (in addition to following a leaky gut diet and treatment plan). These include collagen and licorice root to help maintain the mucosal lining of the stomach and duodenum, digestive enzymes (such as one that includes protease, amylase, lipase and lactase) L-glutamine, which can help repairing the gut and intestinal lining, and N-acetyl glucosamine, which can help protect the lining of your stomach and intestines.
natural sources: greek yogurt
Supplements for Women & Men
What are the most important vitamins for your body if you’re a man? The following are considered some of the best supplements for men:
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for both men and women, but unfortunately it’s also one of the most common deficiencies. As an electrolyte, magnesium helps regulate calcium, potassium and sodium and is essential for over 300 different biochemical functions in the body. Studies have shown that many older people don’t eat enough magnesium-rich foods to begin with, plus they’re prone to experiencing reduced magnesium due to trouble with intestinal absorption, reduced magnesium bone stores, and excess urinary loss due to factors like stress and exercise.
Many men are also low in potassium. Potassium deficiency is most common in men who take medications or diuretics in order to treat high blood pressure, diabetes or coronary heart disease; those with a history of kidney or adrenal disorders; alcoholics; and men who exercise for more than one to two hours a day.
Men need vitamin D3 to produce enough testosterone, maintain strong bones, protect brain health, prevent mood disorders like depression, and help control cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
What supplements can you take to build muscle and “get ripped”? Of course women can have the goal of gaining muscle and losing fat just like men can, but bodybuilding supplements tend to be more popular among men. Some of the safest and best bodybuilding supplements include collagen, creatine, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), glutamine, caffeine and protein powders. These are generally safe for most adults to use and offer benefits like increasing lean muscle mass, improving muscular strength, decreasing muscle soreness, improving blood flow during training and helping repair injured connective issue.
What are the best protein powders for men? Whey protein powder is one of the most popular and has been used for many years. It is fast-digesting, can help increase muscle mass post-workout, can improve appetite control, supports muscle recovery, stabilizes your blood sugar and more. To use whey protein, simply add one scoop (or about 28 grams) of a high-quality powder to any low-sugar shake or smoothie. Keep in mind that whey protein should not be consumed by people with a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. If this applies to you, try collagen protein powder, hemp protein, pea protein or sprouted brown rice protein powder instead.
Some of the best supplements for women listed below may help prevent common health problems like anemia, bone loss and joint pains.
Post-menopausal women are more susceptible to bone-related disorders like osteoporosis and bone fractures. Women can benefit from consuming adequate vitamin K, vitamin D, calcium and magnesium for bone health. If you’ve been taking antibiotics for an extended period of time or suffer from intestinal problems, such as IBS or inflammatory bowel disease, then you might need additional vitamin K beyond what your diet provides.
Iron deficiency and anemia are the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies in the world, especially among women. Older women, those with anemia, vegans and vegetarians should work with a doctor to make sure they get enough B vitamins and iron since they’re at the greatest risk for these deficiencies. Adolescent girls are at the highest risk for iron deficiencies, and women in general need to be careful to get enough since demand for iron increases during menstruation due to blood loss.
A lack of calcium, amino acids (protein), omega-3s, zinc, iodine and iron are more common in women (and men) who don’t eat any animal products, which is why supplements are recommended in this case.
Women between the ages of 20–39 are most likely to have low iodine levels. (10) Iodine intake is especially important for young women looking to become pregnant or who are pregnant, plus it helps support production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland requires iodine to produce the hormones T3 and T4, which help control your metabolism and prevent problems like hypo or hyperthyroidism.
Weight loss supplements and workout supplements can be beneficial when used carefully in appropriate doses, although they aren’t a magic bullet. Some of the best weight loss supplements to add to an already-healthy diet include green tea extract, caffeine (watch out for very high doses), ginseng, vitamin B12, chromium, citrus polyphenols and grapefruit essential oil. Try these in addition to exercise, stress management and eating filling, fat-burning foods.
Requirements for many micronutrients increase during pregnancy — especially nutrients like folate, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and iodine. For pregnant women, supplementing with folic acid helps decrease the risk of certain birth defects, including spina bifida. Folate (which is called folic acid when it’s created synthetically) is critical for a healthy pregnancy and developing fetuses because it helps build the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Stick to fermented folic acid/folate, which is metabolized by the body similarly to naturally occurring folate. The American Thyroid Association also recommends all prenatal vitamins contain 150 micrograms of iodine, which should be taken during pregnancy and afterward while breast-feeding.
Always remember to check with your doctor regarding supplements.
Unlike prescription medications, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not determine whether dietary supplements are effective before they are marketed and sold to the public. The FDA has established “good manufacturing practices” (GMPs) for dietary supplements to help ensure that they are safe and pure, however it’s still your responsibility as a consumer to do your research, buy from products from a reputable brand and follow dosage directions.