Siwicki Fitness

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Foods Which Look Like the Body Part They Aid

Juliann here, Siwicki Fit Fam! I recently listened to a podcast by Kelly LeVeque with special guest, Dr. Josh Axe. Dr. Axe talked about the connection between the shape and overall appearance of vegetables and fruits and the body part in which they aide. At first I thought that statement was slightly crazy (as I am sure you did as well). The more he went on to explain his theory, the more I found it interesting and incredibly insightful!

According to Dr Josh Axe, author of Ancient Remedies For Modern Life, we could all learn a thing or two from our ancient relatives:

  • By eating more like the ancients did, you’ll give your body the fuel it needs to fight viral and bacterial infections, power through your days, and function at your highest level.

  • The doctrine of signatures says foods that look like a body part benefit that body part.

There are some super-healthy foods that science has shown abide by this theory! Check them out below.