Health & Fitness: Modifications Mini-Series

“You make the workouts so doable at every level. The workouts are always challenging but you don’t have to hurt yourself to achieve your workout goals. I love it everyday” - Siwicki Fitness member

Ever wonder what good, safe alternatives are when working out? Maybe your back hurts or knees have had enough - I got you! My goal is to always make sure everyone can join and excel in my classes at the level they are at. I’ve put together this video mini-series so you can see these popular options when you’re in my class or working out in general!

Feeling inspired? Book your spot for class this week on the “Book your Spot” tab on the website!

Modifications covered in the video below:

  1. Push-ups

  2. Squat Jumps

  3. Air Jacks

  4. Lunge Jumps

  5. Shoulder Presses

Questions, feedback, or requests? Let me know in the comments below.

Modifications Mini-Series Video



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