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Quick ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Meal Ideas Jacob Siwicki Meal Ideas Jacob Siwicki

Quick ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner

One of the issues we run into when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the time and effort it takes to really take care of your mind and body. I know it’s already a struggle to fit in your workout. Now, on top of that, people really struggle with preparing adequate meals that fuel your body with the nutrients in needs. People also struggle with what to make. Fear not, TEAM! Amanda, from Amanda Lauren Wellness, to the rescue! She broke down three simple meals to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner below. Amanda offers services to help provide guidance, empowerment and accountability to help you achieve your health-related goals and accountability to help you achieve your health-related goals.

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Contributing Factors to Weight Gain
Motivation Jacob Siwicki Motivation Jacob Siwicki

Contributing Factors to Weight Gain

Eat less, exercise more. Is it really that easy? You may not be surprised to hear that losing excess weight and keeping it off goes way beyond such one-dimensional recommendations. In fact, the concept of calories in and calories out may be the biggest misunderstanding people have about weight. It turns out that weight gain and shedding extra pounds are not as black and white as many seem to think.

We’ll explore some lesser-known factors affecting weight and metabolism that you need to know if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

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