• Time for a Challenge Meal Plan

    The 14 Day Whole-Food, Plant-based Client Challenge is a 2-week meal plan with handouts and recipe collections that focuses on cooking and eating real food in order to feel great.

    This challenge follows basic nutrition guidelines - non-processed food, contains no added sugars - with easy-to-follow recipe instructions. The essence of eating whole foods is consuming and preparing food in its most natural form using simple ingredients in a nutritionally balanced way. It encapsulates mindful eating. It means shopping with a conscience, choosing organic when possible, and getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Most important, it's all about eating super-healthy food that leaves you feeling happy and energized.

    Knowing how to fuel your body with high-quality whole foods is an important skill that anyone can learn. We have created a menu of nutritionally balanced meals, calculated the nutritional data for each meal and each day, and put together the shopping lists to take to the store for each week. The meal plan takes into account using leftovers which results in little to no food waste and keeps you on budget.

  • 30 Day Detox

    Low energy? Looking to hit the reset button or rid your body of extra weight? This plan will get you back on the right track and feeling AWESOME. We are going to reset your body, energy and metabolism! The goal of this plan is to rid your body of toxins, reduce inflammation, improve your gut health and start burning fat for fuel. All recipes are free of gluten, dairy, refined sugar and flour. These meals are SIMPLE with minimal ingredients that your entire family can enjoy.

    What we need from you is commitment. Each meal is designed strategically so that even just within the first week you are going to notice a difference. YOU READY? LET’S GO!

  • Recharge

    Mary Trenda is a Registered Dietician Nutritionist located in East Tennessee. She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition and works full time in an outpatient clinic setting where she provides nutrition counseling for individuals with specific health conditions or for those those who are looking to optimize overall health.

    Mary created this plan with the idea that maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet should not be difficult. The meals are simple and easy to follow. This meal plan is packed with nutrient dense real food! It says goodbye to processed foods high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. It has sufficient calories and is balanced with healthy protein, fats and carbohydrates. This meal plan will keep you full of natural energy.

  • Keto

    On a ketogenic diet, your entire body switches its fuel supply to run mostly on fat, burning fat all day long. When insulin levels drop very low, fat burning can increase dramatically. It becomes easier to access your fat stores to burn them off.

    This is great if you’re trying to lose weight, but there can also be other benefits, such as less hunger and a steady supply of energy — without the sugar peaks and valleys that often occur when eating high-carb meals. This may help keep you alert and focused.